My name is Jen Daly and I’m a quilt designer who likes to write. I’ve been meaning to start a blog for a while, but between having three kids home for the summer, the mountains of laundry, and the whisper of my inner critic, I’ve managed to put it off. Until now.
You see, this fall, Quilter’s Newsletter magazine will publish a special issue entitled Best Quilts for Fat Quarters. I’m happy to say that two of my quilt designs will be featured in the magazine and, to put the icing on the cake, QN has invited me to participate in a promotional blog tour! Finally, the excuse (oops, I mean the “impetus”) I need to set aside the housework and start my blog!! Check back here later in the fall for the tour and perhaps a chance to win a prize…
In the meantime, welcome! This blog will be a place for me to share my work and my thoughts on quilting and life. I hope you enjoy!