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Clearing the Decks

Ok, so I’m officially changing my resolution.  I resolve to post no later than Tuesday.  Ahh, now the pressure is off — at least until the posts start creeping towards Wednesday!

Yesterday I set out with great intentions.  I’ve got one quilt to bind, two to baste, and a final Christmas design that I want to work on before my last shred of Christmas spirit evaporates. 

But when I walked into my sewing room yesterday morning to find a needle, this was the sight that met my eyes…

Green fabric and cookie cutters (cookie cutters??) — yes.  Needles — no.  Even worse, my framed desk calendar is still on November.  It’s now January.  Apparently it’s been a while since I cleaned my cutting table.
When I turned around, this was what I saw…

Plenty of buttons, thread, and fabric scraps, but no needle.  Oh, and in case you are wondering, my sewing machine is shrouded in a shirt that my daughter would like me to alter.  She’s not very subtle.

And finally, as I decided to leave the room, I caught sight of my fabric closet…

Enough said.

Faced with a huge mess and my own organizational shortcomings I decided to postpone the binding, basting, and blogging in favor of clearing the decks.  So I rolled up my sleeves, took a deep breath, and… called my sister.

One hour and a bit of tough love later, I finally got to work.

This is what my sewing room looks like this morning…


and finally…

Let the games begin.

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