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Happy Halloween!

Ok, so this post has nothing to do with quilting, but I can’t help myself.  To celebrate Halloween and with a nod to next week’s election, may I present to you the candidates…

Yes, my boys decided to dress up as Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed this much.

Here’s Mitt borrowing a page from Nixon…

And here’s Barack showing off his dance moves…

Here are the candidates at the Halloween costume parade last Saturday…

The boys were clearly hamming it up and did their best to field some tricky questions parents had about the economy and foreign policy.  To their delight they took home the prize for “Funniest Costume,” and they managed to divide up the prize without any arguments in a wonderful display of bipartisanship. 
I won’t tell you who was more popular at the party.  Lucky for me I’m an independent and I love them both equally!!
Happy Halloween!

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  • Can't Stop Stitchin October 31, 2012, 2:28 pm

    NICE… glad you children are paying attention! Cute blog!

  • WoolenSails November 9, 2012, 4:39 pm

    That is so funny and I love a good sense of humor.


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