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The Winter of My Discontent – A Rant

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been sewing down miles of binding, preparing hundreds of appliqué shapes for a new project, and dealing with replacing a computer that simply refused to start one day — blogging has been the last thing on my mind.  But this morning I dragged myself out of bed determined to get back to my blog, only to be met with 2 inches of fresh snow, a very wintry scene outside, and the news that we could get another 12-18 inches of snow in addition to the 3 feet currently piled up in my yard and I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!

I’m done with arctic weather and the polar vortex and boots and sore throats and down coats and snow pants developing holes in the knees and staticky hat hair and shoveling the deck and runny noses and hockey rinks and giant propane bills and turtlenecks and running out of windshield washer fluid and itchy, dry skin and shivering and trying to keep up with my kids on skis and white-knuckling it on icy roads and snow days (4 and counting) and my winter weight and tissues in my pocket and explaining to my 13 year-old son that it’s not ok to wear shorts when it’s 15° outside and frost heaves and getting a soaker every time I set foot in the mudroom and waking up in the dark and …ARGH!!

[pause for mindful breathing]

I long for warm, soft air and fresh green smells and birdsong and flowers and walking barefoot on grass and open windows and warm earth and the sound of the screen door slamming and gentle rain showers and chartreuse baby leaves.

I long for spring.

Ahhh, that’s better.

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