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8 Days Until Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is almost here for us and I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread!  As our kids get older, we seem to get exponentially busier.  In addition to the usual homework and orthodontist appointments, this spring we’ve been dealing with two lacrosse teams, countless concerts, a play, a confirmation, class trips, birthday parties, and **shudder** driver’s ed.

I’m barely getting to our laundry, much less finding the time to quilt (or, clearly, blog).  And if I’m not quilting, I’m not happy.

The solution?  Small projects with handwork!

Here’s what I’ve been working on…

Isn’t it cute!  The design is not my own, it’s a pattern called “Baby Steps” by Chickadee Hollow Designs, but it’s the perfect project for when you’re busy.  
I made this miniature quilt with scraps from my stash and embroidery floss from another project and the little micro buttons came with the pattern.  I invested a bit of time at first with the piecing, but since then I’ve been carrying this project around with me and doing the handwork now and then in the car while waiting for the kids to finish an activity.  I just finished sewing down the binding at summer soccer practice.
Apparently you don’t need a big chunk of time to be productive!  By working a bit here and there, I’ve got a darling little quilt for my wall AND I’ve managed to stave off the not-quilting withdrawal symptoms!
Happy quilting!

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  • Anonymous August 25, 2014, 10:51 am

    Wow great pieces! I love the ornaments! I would really love to win the contest! Thanks Jen!