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Merry and Bright – Day 7

I can’t believe it’s already December 13th!!  I’m wildly behind on my Christmas preparations, but I’m happy anyway because I’m having so much fun with this Quilt-along!

It’s Day 7 and today we’re going to finish piecing our quilt tops!!

We’re adding an inner border and pieced outer borders today, and I really love how they finish off the quilt!  Very merry!
For your borders, you’ll need to gather:
  • 58—assorted print 2½” x 2½” squares (if you pre-cut your FQs, you should have at least 10—2½” x 2½” squares from each of your 6 assorted prints left over)

And from the 9″ x 30″ background fabric strip that you cut and reserved on Day 1, further cut:
  • 2 borders 2″ x 27½”
  • 2 borders 2″ x 24½

Finish quilt center:
1. First, stitch 1—2″ x 27½ background fabric border to the left and right sides of your quilt center.  Press seam allowances towards the background fabric border.  Then stitch 1—2″ x 24½ background fabric border to the top and bottom of your quilt center, again pressing seam allowances towards the background fabric borders.
2.  Next lay out 2 pieced borders of 15—assorted print 2½” x 2½” squares each (for the sides of your quilt) and 2 pieced borders of 14—assorted print 2½” x 2½” squares each (for the top and bottom of your quilt) as shown:
You can lay out your assorted print squares randomly or in an organized pattern—totally up to you.  I planned to start with a red square in the upper left hand corner of my quilt and to work clockwise around the quilt, repeating the same order of prints.  When I tried this out, I ended up with red print squares in both the upper and lower left hand corners and green print squares in both the upper and lower right hand corners.  I didn’t want that, so I pulled out some graph paper, assigned each print a number and rehearsed different layouts.  The following is what I decided on:
3.  Once you arrive at a layout that you’re pleased with, stitch your 4 border strips, pressing seam allowances all in one direction.
4.  Stitch 1 longer pieced border (15 squares) to either side of the quilt, pressing seam allowances toward the inner background fabric border.  And finally, stitch 1 shorter pieced border (14 squares) to the top and bottom of the quilt, again pressing seams towards the inner background fabric border.
Finally, the remodled red house block makes it back into the photos!!
And voilà!!  Your quilt top is complete!!  Well done you!!  
BUT, the quilt-along is not over yet!  Be sure to check back in on Thursday for Day 8 of the Merry and Bright Quilt-along.  We’ll be changing things up a bit and moving on to embroidery!  Can’t wait!!

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  • Jackie December 13, 2016, 9:31 am

    This quilt is looking so darn cute! Thank you for this wonderful quilt-along!

  • Bente-I like to QuiltBlog December 14, 2016, 6:25 pm

    What a beautiful Cristmas quilt with modern fabrics.
    Thanks for sharing Jen.
    Liebe Grüße

  • Jen Daly December 16, 2016, 4:09 pm

    Danke, Bente!

  • Jen Daly December 16, 2016, 4:10 pm

    Thank you, Jackie, for all of your nice comments!!